Keeping up with the AI revolution

06 June 2024 • Bron Thomson

Navigating the AI revolution can feel overwhelming. Our co-CEO and founder Bron talks about how she—and we at Springload Te Pipītanga—handles the AI hype, hope, fear, and FOMO, and offers practical steps for embracing AI in your business without losing your mind.

He Māori ahau: Resilience and resolve despite prevailing perspectives

05 February 2024 • Mereana Beconcini

Our Head of Client Service, Mereana Beconcini (Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa, Ngāti Ruapani) calls on us all to honour Te Tiriti.

Against human extraction design: Designing with Māori

03 February 2024 • Lauren Skogstad

Our Head of Strategy, Lauren Skogstad (Ngāti Raukawa) thinks about how we might evolve outdated design models and put cultural foundations at the heart.

Nine things we learned from B Corp recertification

31 October 2023 • Clare Everett

Last year, we applied for recertification as a B Corp. We learned a lot in the process, and we’ve collected it all here to help you on your B Corp certification journey.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.2: how to meet the new criteria

24 October 2023 • Emma Martin

The new Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2.2 are here. We’ve broken down the nine new success criteria to help you understand how to meet them.

Overcoming the mountains we face: increasing Māori representation in the workplace

04 July 2023 • Emily Vaka’uta

It’s important to have diversity and representation of Māori and Pacific in digital and tech spaces, given that we have the responsibility to build and create experiences that work for everyone.

Rebuilding an aircraft in flight: a pragmatic approach to CMS migration

03 July 2023 • Richard McMillan

If your content management system (CMS) isn’t supporting your needs anymore, why not migrate to a better one? It is easier — and cheaper — than you might think.

Whose artificial intelligence? Reflecting on the intersection of AI and Te Ao Māori

11 May 2023 • Lauren Skogstad

In the race to adopt new technologies that could transform everything from how we communicate to our everyday jobs, let's take a moment to pause and reflect on the ethical and cultural implications of these tools.

Content designed for everyone: what the Plain Language Act means for you

04 April 2023 • Emma Martin • Virginia Gow

Let us speak plainly. Springload is happy the Plain Language Bill is now a law. In this blog we break down what the Plain Language Act is and what it means for you if you work in government.

Information architecture: why we love it (and you should too)

04 July 2022 • Springload and Optimal Workshop

Information architecture makes finding information easier and faster for everyone. We’ve teamed up with Optimal Workshop to share our love for IA and show that you don’t have to be a specialist to create an IA that helps your customers find what they need.