A profile image of Alyse Leitao

Alyse gets the best out of people and projects with her organised, supportive, and responsive management style. At Springload, she looks after clients and leads internal teams, seamlessly navigating priorities, facilitating workshops, and wrangling calendars.

Alyse has a decade of experience in the client relationship space, including building international brand partnerships for the entertainment site StarNow and overseeing stakeholder engagement and events for the Ministry of Education. With Springload, Alyse has delivered projects for Te Papa, Climate Change Commission, ENZ Wonder Project, Commerce Commission, Meridian & IETF.

Communication is at the core of Alyse’s adventures, from representing New Zealand in debating at the United Nations to sharing her love of art history as a European tour guide. She’s been to 47 countries and, with it, has amassed an eclectic mix of knowledge, making her your ideal trivia team player.